Like birds students need to be taught how to fly.
Empower your students to understand and know clearly what they need to know to progress in their learning.
This website is primarily been established to enable teachers to buy prepared lessons in the teaching method of Explicit Instruction
As a teacher of explicit instruction for 11 years, I have accumulated knowledge and skills, so I am well versed with
the teaching method.
The lessons I have developed are interesting and hold the students attention to the very end of each lesson. Students are motivated by visual prompts and historic clips to enable them to be immersed in the world and use their imagination to create interesting projects to confirm their new knowledge and understanding.
I believe that this website will help teachers with their lessons in curricular delivery. It will offer powerpoint
lessons and other resources that are essential to a "teachers toolbox".
I urge you to try this method of teaching to fast track your students into a passion and love of learning.

Christine Emerson