Skills package: includes street maps, points of the compass, grid co-ordinates, types of maps, elements of maps, using scale, grid and area references and BOLTSS.

Workbook Contents overview

  • Page 1 of workbook -Using Oxford Big Ideas Year 7 page 33 - Directional rose- Label the compass rose  - also write down information on the compass rose.
  • Page 2 of workbook - label the points on the compass diagram given. Direction:work out the correct direction from the map of the world in relation to the city of Perth
  • Page 3 - Practice street maps 
  • Page 4 - BOLTSS activity - parts of a map
  • Page 5 Area reference practice maps















This workbook supports the learning of lesson 2 Types of maps.

The content is as follows:

  • Page 7/8 - Types of Maps page 7 & 8 of workbook - reading.

Book reference - if you have this text you can use this page Types of Maps: Text book reference – 17 Oxford big ideas year 7

  • Page 9 - Activity Types of maps Workbook page 9 - Using pages 29-31 label the types of maps on this page
  • Page 10 & 11 Practicing grid references 
  •  Page 10 – this page is information to read at home
  • Page 11 - Workbook – practice skill  and questions on this page.


Workbook is designed for lesson 3 Uses of water and resources.

This workbook is about the classification of environmental resources (renewable and non-renewable).

  • Workbook Contents
  • Read Page 1 & 2 of your workbook “What is a resource?” then answer questions 1-3
  • Using text Oxford Big Ideas page 42 “How is water and environmental resource”?
  • Word cloze and activities– in workbook pages 3 & 4.
  • Oxford Big Ideas page 43 – using the diagram on page 43 fill in the table with renewable, non-renewable, continuous resources.
  • Workbook page 5 for table

This workbook has the following activities:

  • Word cloze - using Oxford Big Ideas page 42
  • diagram revision of renewable, non-renewable and continuous resources
  • Chart activity on types of resources using Oxford Big Ideas year 7 page 43- diagram 
  • A water cycle diagram showing the water cycle - students can colour

The following activities are in this workbook.

  • Worksheet - Why it rains - diagrams of the 3 types of rain
  • Word cloze - reference is Big Ideas Year 7 Humanities - page 44
  • Information sheet called "Is water a renewable resource?"
  • Question sheet on the information sheet

This is a a 2 sheet worksheet on How is groundwater used as a resource. It has a clear description of groundwater, aquifers, and artesian aquifier. There are photos and diagrams and questions.


This workbook is used to research the Murray River and its uses.

It contains the following:

  • An information page on the Snowy mountain scheme 
  • A scaffolded summary sheet using sub-headings of the above sheet and stem starting sentences for the research writing.
  • A word cloze sheet on The Murray-Darling Basin - using the textbook Oxford Big Ideas 7
  • a scaffolded worksheet on the Murray River Irrigation using maps, data and sources.