Lesson one of each section all of the lesson is shown but in following lessons on a sample of slides is shown.

There are 13 slides in this lesson.

The lesson is on the use of rhetorical devices used in persuasive writing. Introducing three key terms of Ethos (authors credibility or character) Pathos (emotion or empathy or shared moral values) and Logos (logic or reason) known collectively as the Rhetorical triangle.


There is a workbook that goes with this lesson and can be found under the heading of workbooks Year 8 English.

  • There are 10 slides in this lesson.
  • The lesson has a practice exercise to understand how rhetorical devices are used to persuade and how different layers of meaning are developed through the use of ethos, logo and pathos.


There is a workbook available for this lesson, this can be found in workbooks under Year 8 English.

There are 18  slides in this lesson.


Students examine the SWOT analysis using the SWOT organiser for notetaking. Using this to determine STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OBSERVATIONS and THOUGHTS about the use of PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES in a text.

There is a workbook available for this lesson and can be found under workbooks Year 8 English

There are 21 slides in this lesson.


  • Identify and understand 3 more persuasive techniques or strategies that are effective in changing readers’ beliefs, attitudes and values: appeal to plain folks, : appeals to the bandwagon and appeal by repetition.

There are 20 slides in this lesson.

Students learn to:

  • Demonstrate their understanding of persuasive texts.
  • Write a paragraph response
  • Prepare a draft for the assessment

There are 15 slides in this lesson.

In this lesson students will have read an extract from a story called ‘Catching Teller Crow’ by Amelin and Ezekiel Kwaymullina.

They will then examine the main character and his feelings, description, behaviour, and personality traits. They will draw an illustration of the character and then design your own character with distinctive Australian traits and features.


There is a workbook available for this lesson. It can be found in the workbook section.


There are 13 slides in this lesson.

∙By the end of this lesson, students will look at the cultural context and an example of a refugee new to Australia is used to demonstrate this. 

∙Students will watch the interview ‘The Happiest Refugee’. Ahn Do.

∙Student then answer questions about Point of View and complete activities.

There are 11 slides in this lesson.


By the end of this lesson, students will read an extract from Tomorrow When the War Began. They then complete a number of setting activities to prepare the to write their own narrative

There are 9 slides in this lesson.

  • By the end of this lesson, students will have studied Imagery, Simile and Metaphor and completed a Y chart identifying the three figurative language techniques from the text extract called ’The Dressmaker’.

There are 21 slides in this lesson:

The lesson teaches the following: 

  • plot graph
  • Plot Graph of a story (practice)
  • Video of the story 'Licked'
  • How to annotate a text
  • Annotating a plot diagram
  • Identifying parts of a plot line

There are 8 slides in this lesson

Students will begin the outine of their draft for their short story and introduce the character and the setting.


There are booklets available for the lessons on Writing a Short Story covering Lessson 1- 6.