This is the first lesson of this topic Civics therefore a complete sample of the lesson is demonstrated. 

There are 15 slides in this powerpoint.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This lesson explains democracy. 

  • positives and negatives
  • information and questions - on slides

This is the 2nd lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There is 28 slides in this powerpoint.

This lesson explains the reasons for federation in Australia. The film will be embedded on the USB I send you.

  • reasons for Federation in Australia
  • KWL - prior learning
  • film on Federation
  • two questions on Federation film

This is the 3rd lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. In this case I have chosen a few slides on activities.

There is 37 slides in the lesson.

This is a lesson on the Australian Values the underpin the democracy in Australia

  • Vocabulary words
  • Think/Pair/Share Tasks
  • Summary of Video
  • Power point on Democracy
  • Activity – questions and answers on film questions

The film will be included on the USB I send you - questions and answers for the video are included in the power point lesson.

There is no workbook for this lesson.

This is the 4th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There are 45 Slides in this lesson.

This Lesson is on the 3 levels of government and has some film on the inside of Parliament (virtual tour). Both films will be embedded on the power point when sent.

The order of the lesson is as follows:

  • power point notes
  • Diagram
  • Flow chart
  • You tube clips
  • Questions on film

This is the 5th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 


This lesson is about the Federal Government in Australia, it includes views of inside the parliament and notes and information on the role of the Federal Parliament

  • Summary of films
  • Questions
  • Power point
  • Diagrams on the seating in Parliament
  • Photo's of the inside of Parliament the two houses the Senate and The House of Representives

Films will be embedded in the USB when sent.

This is the 6th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. I have chosen the activity section.

There are 30 Slides in this powerpoint.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This Lesson has information on each slide about an Australian Political Party. Students use a summary sheet - shown on a slide and they choose one party to investigate.

  • Information on Parties
  • activity on summarising one party
  • activity on creating a party

This is the 7th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. I have chosen the activities part of the lesson.

There are 20 slides in this power point.

This lesson has information on voting in Australia.

  • Students are asked the question Why people Vote? Pair/Share
  • Information on the advantages and disadvantages of voiting
  • film on voting
  • reasons why people vote
  • Activity - optional - students create their own campaign


This is the 8th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. The section chosen is on types of voting.

There are 16 slides in this lesson.

This lesson covers the type of voting we have in Australia - Preferential voting.

  • information and diagrams of the different types of voting
  • 4 W's and H - summary 
  • 2 films and some websites to further research


films will be embedded in the power point.

This is the 9th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There is 28 slides in this lesson.

This lesson explains common law and legistlated law.

Students copy the power points and then at the end fill in the flow chart on the steps to making a law in parliament.


Films will be embedded into power point on the usb.

This is an optional lesson - a role play 

URL is provided in slides to access the role play.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This is the 11th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There is 41 slides in this lesson. 

This lesson examines media in politics. Newspapers, social media, television debate, radio, opinion polls, interest groups and advertising.

  • Instructions for folding paper
  • Film on a Leaders debate
  • Notes for students on Leaders debates
  • Questions for students on Leaders, debate
  • Round robin sheets placed around the room on media in politics
  • Students go around the room finding the answer to questions they have on their worksheet eg newspapers
  • Extract from the story of a tired voter – student analyse
  • Activity finding information on media use in politics

There are films in this lesson and these will be embedded in the lesson when the USB is sent.

This is the 12th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 


There are 22 slides in this power point

  • video clip on the history of political advertising, students take notes
  • Social media, questions
  •  students watch the Ted x Talk and answer the questions

Films will be embedded in the power point usb 

There are 30 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This lesson focusses on cartoons in politics and includes the following:

  • žExamples of political cartoons
  • žReasons why politicians use cartoons
  • žWhat is political spin
  • žAim of the cartoonist
  • žInstructions on analysing a cartoon
  • žStudents practice analysing a cartoon
  • žStudent construct their own political cartoon

This is the 14th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There are 36 slides in this power point.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This lesson is about the history of Law, students are given information on the history of Law and record key words or phrases for theirFlow chart to record the history of law.

  • Power point on the history of law
  • Plenary – a question
  • This is the 15th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. I have chosen one activity in this lesson as a part sample of this lesson


    There are 28 slides in this power point.

    This lesson is on the types of courts the following dot points are the order of the lesson.

  • Watch a film on courts
  • Reading of information on different courts
  • Finding definition of law terms
  • Activity of a hierarchy chart of courts
  • Questions on the chart/courts

The USB will have the films embedded in the power point I send you.

This is the 16th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There are 27 slides in this power point.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This lesson explains the role of each person who works in the court.

Students read the information and then fill the summary sheet 4 W's and H to summarise.


This is the 17th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There are 36 slides in this power point.

This lesson is on Criminal and Civil law, students learn what the difference is and then in the activity identify the differences.


  • 60 second crime list
  • Sort list into serious and less serious
  • Power point for note taking by students
  • Film
  • Checklist to use to determine criminal or civil crime
  • Students go back to list and decide if it is a criminal of civil crime
  • Students are given a list of crime and identify criminal/civil
  • Mind map creation of criminal and civil law
  • Students are given a table to do a newspaper search of crimes

This is the 18th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There are 36 slides in this power point.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This lesson is on Juries it has a role play which can also be used.

If you need a paper copy of the role play you can order in resources.


  • Power point with information on Juries
  • Role Play
  • Unscramble the law terms

This is the 19th lesson of this topic Civics therefore only a small sample of the lesson will be demonstrated. 

There are 20 slides in this power point.

In this lesson students will have read information on Precedents and how they have happened over time.

They will read a power point explaining this and also there will be two case studies and a film as examples of precedents.

Students will read and watch this information and then when finished you will explain what a precedent is.