Lesson 8 - Year 10 Economics - Unemployment in Australia


There is a small sample of 6 slides for this lesson. To see a fully formatted lesson view lesson 1.

There are 39 slides in this lesson.

The outline of contents is below:

  • Read: Page 384-385 Oxford Big Ideas textbook Complete questions 1, 2 
  • Student activity 1- page 8 of workbook - economic and social consequence  
  • Chart of the unemployment rate in Australia since 1996
  • Graph work
  • You tube video on unemployment
  • Worksheet – Who has a job and who is without?
  • Class discussion on the effects of technology on unemployment
  • Youth Unemployment – Read Big Ideas 10 page 386
  • Power point on Youth Unemployment and Indigenous unemployment
  • 3 films on unemployment

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Any textbook can be used as all slides can be edited.