Lesson 15 - Year 10 Economics - Distribution of Taxes


There is 4 sample of slides for this lesson. To view a fully formatted lesson look at lesson 1.

This lesson has 12 slides.

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The following is an outline of the lesson:

  • Read - Oxford Big Ideas 10 Text page 412 answer questions 1-5
  • On page 413 is a diagram of how Governments redistribute income $.
  • Using the diagram on page 2 of the workbook fill your own diagram.
  • Draw the diagram only labelling the centre circle student’s  build a diagram about redistribution of income. For example have you ever been to a public hospital or to a doctor that bulk billed? If so who paid for those services?
  • The answer is the government so you can fill in one of the bubbles stating the government redistributes income through providing goods and services all Australians can access such as hospitals.
  • View an info graphic on income and wealth distribution on Australia

You can use your own resources on this topic - as all slides can be edited.