Narrative writing - Picnic at Hanging Rock


There are 31 slides in this lesson on conventions theme and setting on narrative writing.

By the end of this lesson students will recall what Narrative Conventions are so they can analyse a narrative and eventually write their own narrative.

  • Activate prior reading - questions
  • Power point with definitions and meanings of Narrative conventions Theme and Setting
  • Synopsis film on Picnic at Hanging Rock with verbal summary of theme and setting
  • List of possible themes of Picnic at Hanging Rock (slide)
  • Example of the theme of Picnic at Hanging Rock
  • Reading experiences- referral to a website with more theme analysis of Picnic at Hanging Rock
  • Students practice writing their own reponse to the theme of Picnic at Hanging Rock
  • Stem sentence provided to help students begin their paragraph of the them of Picnic at Hanging Rock (slide)
  • Powerpoint on Setting
  • Practice on a extract on setting
  • Watch 20 Minutes of Picnic at Hanging Rock to establish the setting
  • Stem sentence to start analaysis of the setting of Picnic at Hanging Rock
  • Practice of setting response to an extract from the book When the war Began
  • Using details to describe the setting
  • Reading of extract and film from Picnic at Hanging Rock


All worksheets needed and film extracts on the USB.