Year 11 Geography - Wine Geography


There are 22 slides in this lesson.

  1. Title - The geography of wine
  2. Grapevines, grapes and wine
  3. Fermentation of grapes = wine
  4. Photo of vineyards of Italy
  5. The early diffusion of wine
  6. Wine, religion, and geography
  7. Ethnic religions – a particular cultural group
  8. The Romans
  9. Christianity and wine
  10. Islam
  11. Prohibition Movement
  12. today
  13. Environments, economics, and the geography of wine
  14. Classification of wine – 2000 year ago
  15. The French call it Terroir- monks Burgundy -middle ages
  16. Trading
  17. Australia
  18. New technology – further trade
  19. Negative networks and interconnections: the phylloxera epidemic
  20. Chemical Vinus Vinifera- european vine
  21. steamships+increased trade
  22. Phylloxera free zones